Aerospace Systems and Training LLC




Flight Training and Aviation Services



 Aerospace Systems and Training LLC business founded in 1991, has provided flight instruction for Private, Instrument, Commercial, ATP, CFIA, CFII, CFME and Part 107 Remote Pilot Courses.  The company trains pilots throughout Central and Southern Florida in General Aviation aircraft. We also provide consultation with Part 135 Airlines in the preparation of flight manuals and flight crew training.

Atlantic Airlines

 Pilot BFRs conducted under FAR 61.56 and IPCs FAR 61.57 are available in single and multi-engine  aircraft.  There is a NAFI Master and Gold Seal Flight Instructor on staff with references available on request.  Flight instruction and licensing certification is conducted under Part 61 of the CFRs.  To inquire about consultation or flight training in your aircraft or a rental e-mail or call 386-801-3696.

 The restoration of a Grumman TBF WW II torpedo bomber, T-33 and F-14 are projects undertaken to date with the Deland Naval Air Station Museum.  Deland Naval Air Station


Flight Instruction Single Engine Block Time 10 hours  $500.00





Flight Instruction Garmin 1000 Glass Cockpit 10 hours $550.00 

Garmin 1000



Flight Instruction Single Engine Aircraft $55.00 Hour


Flying Cessna


  Flight Instruction Multi Engine Aircraft Block Time 10 Hours $600.00





Flight Instruction Multi Engine Airplane $65.00 per Hour



Skype Oral Review for End of Course Exam $35.00

10 Hour Block Time $300.00




   Flight courses and aircraft pricing available. Flight courses include Private,  Instrument, Commercial, Multi Engine Airplane, Flight Instructor Airplane, Flight Instructor Instrument, Flight Instructor Multi Engine, ATP and Part 107 Remote Pilot.  Applicants are required to provide copies of pilot licenses, medical and government photo ID for TSA requirements. Non registered foreign pilots can expect a

pre-screening. Course Pricing


 This company also provides aerial photography for the real estate decisions, photographing your selected property from the air with GPS coordinates.  We than combine that with photography of the interior real estate property for a complete package pricing and details contact Aerial Photograpy .



Aerial photgrapy








Mail to:

Aerospace Systems and Training LLC

260 North Industrial Drive

PO Box 740295

Orange City, FL 32774